Subway sketching has been postponed until Sunday Jan 4th. Everyone is away on vacation and I came down with the chickenpox.
I spent 2 hrs unloading some of the weeks stress drawing in the Rideau Centre food court in Ottawa - I think this little 30 sec sketch justified the time. (the rest was fun to!)
click for larger.

Toronto Sketcrawl at the Metro Zoo!

What a great turn out it was! Not even the gloomy weather and rain could stop us--that's what being an artist is all about, right?! It was really great to see friends and new faces come together and sketch whatever they saw. I just wish the zoo stayed opened for a lot longer, but it just makes me want to come back more regularly.

Also check out the Sketchcrawl forum for more awesome sketches around the world!

And here's the link for the Toronto Sketchcrawl start sharing what you saw!


the meercats


cute halloween kids!

.. our fine group!

Looks like there's going to be a whole bunch of people coming to the Sketch Crawl this Saturday in Toronto!
We're meeting at 12:15pm Saturday Oct 25 at the front entrance of the Metro Toronto Zoo.
Here are directions if anyone needs them
We'll post pictures next week sometime.

Here's a little sketch of a monkey with a banana :)

Hi everyone,

Subway Sketching this Sunday August 24 is postponed because we'll be at the Toronto Fan Expo at the metro convention center. If you're in the Toronto area, come on by. We'll be signing prints and books all weekend at booth A10 in Artist Alley. We'll also be doing free sketches for every purchase.

There's going to be tons of great talent and entertainment there. Just to name a few Jason Seiler, Doug Sneyd, Stephen Silver, Justin Ridge, Alberto Ruiz and Matt Stewart are all going to be sitting in our row.

Hope to see lots of you this weekend!
Hi! Here are some sketches I did during our "outdoor subway sketchgroup"..
... because it was just too nice outside to stay underground in the subways :).

Summer's not over yet! many more to come,
<3 Kei
Here's a few more sketches from subway sketching.

Some people ask me why the yellow paper...
No reason. I found a stack of old yellow paper in a drawer and didn't want it to go to waste.