Some people ask me why the yellow paper...
No reason. I found a stack of old yellow paper in a drawer and didn't want it to go to waste.
Sunday, Apr 14, 2013 @ Union Station
Sunday, Apr 21, 2013 @ Union Station
Sunday, Apr 28, 2013 @ Union Station
Sunday, May 05, 2013 @ Union Station
Well it certainly did not go to waste . Really nice drawings .
Cheers Bobby .
works well - I like the cutout/collage approach
Glad to see you visit Sim-R! Hope all is well.
Gord thanks! It's my cut around the nice drawings approach :) Leave the bad ones behind.
Cool drawings!
Inspiring work. I can't get enough.
hello bobby i met you at wondercon,your giclees were awsome i was wondering were you had them done. thanks shawn pacheco, shawn
awesome sketchs!
Hi, Bobby!
I am a illustrator brazilian. I like you see my works in my blog
All the Best.
Fantastic drawings!
I wish Halifax had a subway.
Stupid granite.
awesome as always. kudos :)
lol i can see that everybody has posted comments on my blog are here so "hi guys " and just to say a big thanks to everyone and to say also that i can wait to see "alien vs monsters " cause i ve seen since few months the differents works of bobby chiu and i speak about them everyday to my " job partners " , so i hope it will be do with passion and happyness . thanks for all you make , and BRAVO as we say it in France . keep up and VIVE L'ANIMATION (special thanks to kristian for all your comments during these past months thay make me feel so happy . SEE YOU schhoolism men (and women)
very nice
Great to see all the cool sketches! Thanks for posting!
I know I have been away from a wile but I post lots new DRAWINGS FROM BEFORE AND THOSE ONES WE DID AT THE SUBWAY WITH YOU AND ALL THE GREAT TEAM :) hope you can recognize someone :P...
keep making wonderful work
your friend
Hey Bobby, are you still doing the sketch group? It's been a while since you posted last
nice stuff man.. some of these people don't look happy at all that they're being drawn lol
hi there .
i've been following your work and must say that each time there sumthing new to learn from it .very inspiring .amazing.
if you can gime me some views about my work it'll be very kind of you .
Great work Bobby, you really capture the personality. I love the lady with her head tucked into her coat on the second page down from the top
I'm on my way soon to Montreal, expect an email from me soon to join up - I don't wanna miss all the fun :O)
Drawing on tinted paper is the best. Nice.
Nice man, these "sketchies" are dope
I definitely need to take a Sunday off to sketch on the TTC. I've been hearing about your group for ages.
WOAH!really distinguishing sketches!i love it!
...i do subway sketches every day...but everytime there's someone who ask me for a self portrait!damn! :asd: if i can i'd like to add you to my links on my blog...cheers!
nice job bobby. i do a lot of sketching on trains too. the constant movement of the train makes it challenging. i love it. there are always lots of interesting characters to observe. keep it up.
nice job bobby. i do a lot of sketching on trains too. the constant movement of the train makes it challenging. i love it. there are always lots of interesting characters to observe. keep it up.
Hey Bobby -
I'm just getting back to you after San Diego! Ha! Good to see you across the isle - hope the tape held for ya ;)
Caught the Sidebarnation podcast - A good listen and congrats on the Alice gig! Hope to make saying "hi" an annual thing in SD :)
Hi Bobby
Great sketches.
my name is Pixote, I am a character design and 3d modeler and fan your art. I maked a work based in a your concept. I wait like
see here:
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